Those five-fold ministers who have completed the Spirit Academy Course and have a proven track record of living the Spirit led life, may also consider the prospect of starting their own local Academy in partnership with us. This would involve providing total supervision of the course locally and conducting the “hands on” seminar/workshops.

You can, of course, simply use the material and conduct your own ministry school and we will assist you in any way we can to help you raise up other five-fold ministries.

However, there may be some aspects of a partnership that may be advantageous to you in the short term.

  • Credibility of the course material can be a major issue, therefore being in partnership with the Academy will assist in this area.
  • Testing or exams are usually difficult at a local level. How do you really know if what you are teaching has been understood and digested?

The course has a built-in assessment that provides automatic accountability in regard to comprehension.

  • Receiving a recognized Diploma and badge does act as an initial incentive for many believers.
  • You will have direct contact with our experienced Academy equippers to support you with advice and prayer.

Further details on this partnership will be available on request after completion of the two courses.

Suggested Options for Academy Partners

There are a variety of ways the material can be assimilated. The best way for you will depend on the availability and level of maturity of your students.  We have given three possible options. Perhaps one, two, or a combination of all three may be needed to suit your particular situation.

  1. Local church members can go though each subject at the same time online. They then meet weekly with you or in home churches for discussion of the summaries.
  2. You teach the material personally and students do revision and the assessments online.
  3. In some developing countries, access to computers is limited. The leaders can print out copies to be studied and then discussed at a weekly meeting. Assessments are answered and graded manually.
  4. However, the reality is that whilst you may have a core group of believers that want to go through the course, this can soon change.
  • There can be others, either new or older believers, who want to join in the course after some months.
  • There may be those who, through unforeseen circumstances, may have to postpone their studies.
  • Some students who are very enthusiastic, or with extra time on their hands, may want to do the course at a faster rate.

Therefore, the third option is that students do the course individually at their own pace and be mentored by you on an individual basis. They then join in when you conduct the “hands on” seminars.