Fake Grace E-Book




Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God … by this many become defiled.
Heb. 12:14-15

Christians are well aware of the importance the Lord places on a relationship with Him. We are to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. Many will admit to their inability in achieving this lofty standard.
The greatest deterrent to building that intimate relationship is the realization of our dark side and the resultant shame and guilt.

Fleshly attempts to please Him and become holy through willpower or ‘won’t’ power births two basic problems in believers:
Self-righteousness (A legalistic, hypocritical pretense and cover -up)
Self-condemnation (An honest appraisal of themselves as losers, which leads to more shame and guilt)
To overcome believers’ self-effort attempts to defeat sin there are two basic alternatives.

Option 1. “Once saved, always saved”
To completely eradicate the problem of shame and guilt, a one size fits all solution was birthed by some teachers. The presumption: Once a believer receives Christ, every sin they have committed, or will commit, is forgiven … unconditionally, or using the now coined phrase, “Once saved, always saved.”

On one hand, it successfully removed the fear of a Christian losing their salvation through a lack of total holiness. On the other hand, it successfully opened the door for believers to use grace as an excuse to maintain their sinful lifestyles.

Furthermore, believers are still left with the original problem of achieving holiness through self-effort, and the catastrophic fallout of either self-righteousness or self-condemnation.
While the intention of these teachers was sincere, they were blindsided in regard to the many Scriptures which disprove this doctrine and reveal the teaching as fake grace. More importantly, they did not have the revelation God’s alternative solution.

Option 2. Solving the Mystery
Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did. 1 John 2:6 (John 14:12)
As an imitator of Christ, a believer can overcome sin just as Jesus did, thereby removing the problem of shame and guilt.
“Mission impossible.” many would think.
Nevertheless, the Lord has provided a mysterious way to achieve it.
… the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. Col. 1:26

Regrettably, many Christians do not have the revelation of God’s hidden mystery which empowers believers to reach the full and complete standard of Christ. (Eph 4:13)
They may have theological knowledge of these Scriptures but have been unable to implement their truths in their lives.

Stuart exposes the fake grace fallacies, and explains how to appropriate this hidden mystery, enabling believers to become Jesus imitators. Consequently, their intimate and loving relationship with the Lord can be restored and their impediment of shame and guilt overpowered.