How to Heal the Sick




God’s way to “fully” present the Gospel
The apostle Paul said regarding the unsaved:
“I have won them over by the miracles done through me as signs from God-all by the power of God’s Spirit.
In this way, I have fully presented the Good News of Christ…” – Rom 15:19
The miracles ensured that the gospel was “fully presented”
In these end times the Lord wants His people to fully present His Good News (Matt 24:14) and once again turn the world upside down.
Believers have been given a commission to preach the gospel to every creature with the assurance that signs and wonders will confirm the word.
“…they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover” Mark 16: 15-18
Even with this promise, the power to heal the sick still rests in the hands of what appears to be a divinely favored few, while the majority remains “armchair” spectators. These spectators may be divided into two main groups:
1. Unaware of their ability, because they didn’t believe it was “their ministry”.
2. Aware of their inability, because they prayed but with no results.
However, healing the sick is not a matter of “having it” or “not having it”. God has basic principles which can be learned and applied, enabling all believers to pray successfully.
This highly successful national best seller is on its fifth reprint and has been translated into other languages. The new chapters including “Why Some Christians Aren’t Healed” will also give some fresh and exciting insights into this intriguing subject.